
Nafferton Parish council Sue Tait chair

Nafferton parish council Ducklings still being swept away to a horrible death.  The council have not replaced the meshing that they took off, or replaced the original metal cover that they cut off. Why? because they don't want to have to maintain the sluice.  with no cover on, all the rubbish goes down steam so they don't have to collect it up. They are littering the waterway, and killing the ducklings!!     Jon Wortley then vice chair of the council took off the meshing from the sluice. This was his post he put on the village face book group. I was horrified when I saw this and I complained about it  This meshing was put on by the parish council at the request of the RSPCA about 8 years ago, because of ducklings going down the sluice, and through the wheel to a horrible suffering death. The original grid on the sluice  has been cut off at the bottom by past parish council members to allow rubbish